Metamask: How do I generate a metamask mobile deep link programmatically?

Generating a Metamask Mobile Deep Link Programmatically

As a developer, you are probably familiar with the popular MetaMask wallet and its ability to create deep links for your applications. However, sometimes you may want to generate those links programmatically, rather than relying on manual user input. In this article, we will explore how to do this programmatically.


Metamask: How do I generate a metamask mobile deep link programmatically?

To generate a Metamask mobile deep link programmatically, you can use the web3 library to create a wallet URL and then replace the placeholders in the resulting string with your own values.

Step 1: Create a new wallet URL

First, create a new wallet URL using MetaMask’s Web3 API. You can do this by running the following JavaScript code:

const web3 = require("web3");

const WalletUrlProvider = require("metamask-deeplinks-provider");

// Replace with your own MetaMask provider details

const providerAddress = "0xYourWalletAddress";

const providerSecret = "YourWalletSecret";

const walletUrlProvider = new WalletUrlProvider ({

provider: {

address: providerAddress,

secret: providerSecret,



// Generate a random token for the dApp

const tokenId = Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000).toString();

// Create a new wallet URL with placeholders for your own values

const walletUrl =

Step 2: Replace the placeholders in the wallet URL

Now that you have generated the wallet URL, you need to replace any placeholders (for example, {walletUrl}) with your own values. You can do this by iterating over each placeholder and replacing it with a value.

Here is an example of how you might replace the placeholders:

const walletUrl =

// Replace ${walletUrlProvider.getWalletUrl()} with your provider address

const walletUrl = walletUrl.replace("${walletUrlProvider.getWalletUrl()}", ${providerAddress});

// Replace ${tokenId} with your own dApp ID (e.g. "")

const tokenId = "";

const walletUrl = walletUrl.replace("${tokenId}", tokenId);

Step 3: Get the URL

After replacing all the placeholders, you need to get the resulting URL using MetaMask's Web3 API. You can do this by calling the getWalletURL method on the WalletUrlProvider instance:

const walletUrlProvider = new WalletUrlProvider({

provider: {

address: providerAddress,

secret: providerSecret,



// Get the resulting URL using WalletUrlProvider.getWalletURL()

const walletUrl = walletUrlProvider.getWalletURL();

Putting it all together

Here's an example of how you could put it all together:


const web3 = require("web3");

const WalletUrlProvider = require("metamask-deeplinks-provider");

// Replace with your own MetaMask provider details

const providerAddress = "0xYourWalletAddress";

const providerSecret = "YourWalletSecret";

const walletUrlProvider = new WalletUrlProvider ({

provider: {

address: providerAddress,

secret: providerSecret,



// Generate a random token for the dApp

const tokenId = Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000).toString();

// Create a new wallet URL with placeholders for your own values

const walletUrl =

// Replace ${walletUrlProvider.getWalletUrl()} with your provider address

const walletUrl = walletUrl.replace("${walletUrlProvider.getWalletUrl()}", ${providerAddress});

// Replace ${tokenId} with your own dApp ID (e.g. "")

const tokenId = "";

const walletUrl = walletUrl.replace("${tokenId}", tokenId);

// Get the resulting URL using WalletUrlProvider.getWalletURL()

const walletUrl = walletUrlProvider.


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