Ethereum: Can you search a transaction by quantity?

Finding recent events according to the amount: Guide

In Ethereum, finding events according to the amount can be a challenging task, especially when dealing with large quantities or complex transaction structures. In this article, we explore ways to find recent events according to the amount.

What’s the problem?

When you want to look for a specific event according to the quantity, you can face problems such as:

  • Missing or incomplete event data

  • Invalid or outdated transaction records

  • Difficulty in cleaning and drawing relevant information

Method 1: Use API is a popular platform that provides access to the Ethereum block chain. One of his qualities is the ability to find events according to the amount.

Here’s an example of how to use the Etherscan application subscription:

  • Install the Etherscan package using NPM or thread:NPM Install Ethercan or thread Add Ethercan

  • Eteri -Terscanapi “Class Eterscan”

  • Make an API -AS key Ethereum application subscription (if necessary)

  • Use the “Search RanSbyquantity” method to search according to the number of events

Example Code


Import {Ethercanapi} ‘Etherscan’;

Const Api = New Etherscanapi ({{{

Mirikey: ‘‘,


// Find events according to the number



Survey: ‘x BTC’,

Offset: 0,

Border: 100, // To adjust the limit as needed


(Error, Result) => {

If (error) {

Console.error (error);

} Else {

Const transaction = result.transactions;

// process and show events information





Method 2: Using Web3.JS and Skripper

Another approach is the use of the "Web3" library in Javascript together with the script to look for events according to the amount.

Here's an example of a code clip that indicates how you can use a script to find events:


Const Web3 = Required (‘Web3’);

// Replace URL -Thereum node

Const nodeurl = ‘

Async Function SearchtransbySbyquantity () {{{

// Initializing the Web3 Service Provider

Const provider = new web3.providers.httpprovider (nodeurl);

// Create a new contract

Const agreement = wait davara.eth.getcontract (‘0x …’);

// Complete the questionnaire with a smart contract with a script

Const tx = wait for the contract.Method.searchtransbysbyquantity (10) .send ();


Searchtransbysbyquantity (). then ((result) => {

if (results.status! == ‘0x’) {)

Console.error (result);




Method 3: Manual Transaction Analysis

Another approach is to analyze event information manually to draw relevant information.

  • Check that events metapodate if you have traces such as sender or recipient address

  • Find all large quantities of events (eg> 100 BTC)

  • Analyzes the event’s time and block number


Finding recent events according to the amount can be challenging, but there are several approaches that you can win to overcome these restrictions.

Using one of the above methods or by combining multiple techniques, you should be able to successfully search for events with certain quantities.



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