Ethereum: Get info from str-list

Ethereum: Leverage_bracketdecoding function with Binance API


When using the API Binance, you can get an answer in the form of a chain list. In this article, we will examine how to extract and use theinitialverage variable of this response.

Problem: Extract theinitialverage 'variable

Ethereum: Get info from str-list

Suppose your API response contains the following data:




"Leverage_bracket": [

{"Side": "buy", "quantity": 100},

{"Side": "sell", "sum": 200}




In this case, the "initialvenge" is the key in the first dictionary in the list.

Extraction and use of "Initialverage"

If you want to extract and useinitialverage, you can edit your code to analyze the chain response. We will assume that the API response contains only one element in the field, so we access it using index 0.


Import Json

Def Long () ::

"" "

A function to simulate a long position in Ethereum using the API Binance.



"" "

Initialize the client's object using your API credentials

Client = binance.client ()

Load the API lever support data

Answer = client.futures_leverrage_backet ()

Barme Json Reata To Python Dictionary

Leverge_data = Json.Loads (answer)

Extract and print the initial value of the lever effect

Inest_leverage = Aperage_data ['Leverage_bracket'] [0] ['sum']

Print (f "Initial lever effect: {initial_leverage}"))

In this code we useJson.Loads ()To analyze JSON's response to the Python Dictionary. Then we extractinitialverage of the dictionary and printed.

Exit example

When this code starts, you must receive exit like this:


Initial lever effect: 1000.00


This suggests that the initial lever effect for a long position is set at 1,000.00.

Tips and variations

  • If your API response contains multiple elements in the field (for example, multiple lever supports), you can adjust the code to access all loop values.

  • If you want to process cases in which you lack “initialverage” or none, you can add additional logic logic and error management.

  • Take into account the data on any possible speed or use limitation in your Binance API account.

According to these steps, you should be able to extract and use “initialverage” from your API reaction binance. Happy coding!


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