Ethereum: How to know when a payment has been received by bitcoind?

Ethereum: Bitcoin Income Testing Help -Controlled

Ethereum: How to know when a payment has been received by bitcoind?

When you create a website that allows users to send bitcoins to a new personal user address, you need to make a way to check when the payment has been received. In this article, we will look at how this can be done through intelligent agreements by Ethereum and Web3.JS.

What is the Bitcoin receipt?

At Bitcoin, a receipt (or event) is a message that a miner or one user sends to the Blockchain network and confirms that you have confirmed the event. When the user sends bitcoins to a new address, the recipient receives this receipt as part of the event’s confirmation process.

Program Guided Check of Receipts

If you want to check when the payment is received in the program, you must use intelligent contracts and web3.js library from Ethereum. Here’s a high review of the steps:

  • Create a new contract : Create a new fixed deal for Ethereum Blockchain, Bitcoin events. This agreement includes logic to check the receipts.

  • Set the receipt event : Specify an event that will be sent after receipt of the payment, eg B. “PayECed”.

  • Such a check logic : In the “VerifyRecept” feature, check the event sent to a new address that is responsible for the expected signature of the reception message.

  • ** Update the block chain

Example Code

Here’s an example of how you can implement this in a fixed way, web3.js and ERC 20 in Ethereum:


Pragman solidity ^0.8.0;

Bring “

Import “

The recipient of the contract {

// Set the reception event

Event fee (Uint256 receiver, Uint256 amount);

// Specify the function to check documents

Function Varmyreceipt (

Address to the recipient to be paid,

UINT256 amount,

Signature of a character sequence

) Public Returns (Bool) {

// Check if the event is corresponding to the expected signature

require (bytes (signature) .Lental == 42, “Invalid Signature”);

// call the event information

TransactionData storage txdata = gettransactiondata (recipient, quantity);

// Check if the event is valid and has a valid signature

Demand (txdata.transactionhash! = Address (0), “Invalid Event”);

require (txdata. Signature! = “,” Signature is empty “);



// Set up the action to obtain event data

Function of GettraSaSData (

Address to the recipient to be paid,

UINT256 amount

) An internal view of back (TransactionData Storage) {

Event tx = txs [recipient] [quantity];

Restore TxData Txdata;



// Set up a later side evaluation structure

Structure -Recipt measurement {

Byte32 signature;

String message;


// Specify the transaction information structure

Struct transactiondata {

Address receiver;

UINT256 amount;


// Specify the transaction structure

Struct txdata {

Address of the senders to be paid;

UINT256 amount;

Signature string;




In this example, we have defined the “Reception Author” with two activities: “VerifyRecept” and “GettraSactionData”. “Verifyreceipt” will check if the event corresponds to the expected signature of the reception message. It uses the web3.js library to obtain event information in the block chain.


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