Ethereum: How can I get a private key from a mnemonic phrase? in python or other [duplicate]

I’m not you trying to recover the private key to mnemonic phrase surase surase Python and Litecoin in the portfolio.

Who do we need a private key?


A private key to check transactions on a blockchain network. When you’re new accounting currency, the private key (together with a corresponding public administration) is stormed by the vault.

How to recover the private keys to a mnemonic phrase:

—————————– ——

You can have Python and these Cryptographhy library to achieve this. Here’s an example of how to generating a private admission adition:

Install Libraries Rest


Pip instals encryption

Ethereum: How can I get a private key from a mnemonic phrase? in python or other [duplicate]

Example code


dishen encryption.fernet import fert

Import Base64

Matters Json

free cryptography.

cream cryptography.hazmat.primetitifs.asymmetry

from cryptography.hazmat.backnds import default_backend

Matters hashlib

Def Load_private_key_from_mnemonic (mnemonic, password = nonne):

"" ""

Load the Private Key to Mnemonica Phrase.


Mnemonic (Str): Mnemonica Phrase.

Password (str, Optional): Password for them. If Provided,

Only this password is the private the private key. Otherwise,

No private key is generated.


Byte: Private Key like Json string.

"" ""

Create an object Frnet Cipher

F = ray ()

Load's Mnemonica Phraseself or Data Base (optional)

I'm application on the real world, you're a Mnemonica phrase.

With Open ("Mnemonic_phrase.txt", "RB") as F:

mnemonic_bytes = F.Rea ()

Password = ""


If a password:

Generates a new private

Private_key = Fernet.generate_private_key (

Here's = "UTF-8",

Backand = default_back ( ),

Secreen_keygen = True,


Print (F "private key generate: {Private_key.private_bytes (

coding = serialization.encoding.pem,

format = serialization.privateFormat.Tradium Localopssl,

encryption_algorithm = serialization.nocryption ()

)} ")

Cracking the Mnemonica Phrase Using the Private Key Gerate

crypted_mnemonic = Fernet.encrypt (

mnemonic.encode ("utf-8"),

Padding.oep (

mgf = padding.mgf1 (algorithm = hashlib.sha256 ()),

Algorithm = hashlib.sha256 ( ),

Label = nonone,



Loads' Private Key

With Open ("Private_key.json," "RB") as F:

Private_key_bytes = F.Rea ()

Convert The mnemonic

crypted_mnemonic_bytes = base64.b64decode (crypted_mnemonic)

Return Private_key_bytes, Crypted_mnemonic_bytes

Example off

mnemonic_phrase = "Your_mnemonic_phrase_here"

Password = ""


Private_key_bytes, crypted_mnemonic_bytes = Load_private_key_from_mnemonics (mnemonic_phrase, password)

Print ("private Key (Json):")

Print (Private_key_bytes)

Print (" Nencrypted Mnemonic Phrase:")

PRINT (Cripted_mnemonic_bytes.hex ())

How to use this code:


  • Set a password if provided for decryption.

  • Pass the mnemonica encrypted advertising atho-topic when it calls Load_private_key_from_mnemonic.

  • The private key is generated and accounted as a Json string.

This is thehis implementation of assumes that you are surgical off the Fernet figure with Hashing Sha-256. It’s how you will have the settings based on specific requirements.

Ethereum Coinbase Maturity Duplicate


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