Ethereum: In Getwork, how does one calculate the value of Hash1?

Understand the Hash1 field of Ethereum in Getwork

As you are aware of the upcoming changes to the Bitcoin block model, also known as the “Getwork” system, we were all curious to know how it will have an impact on various components of the blockchain. One of these components is the “hash1” field, which is part of the Ethereum block model since its creation.

In this article, we will immerse ourselves in the world of Getwork and explore how to calculate the value of “hash1” in Ethereum.

What is Getwork?

Getwork is a system designed to improve the performance and scalability of Bitcoin transactions. It was introduced in 2017 as an alternative to consensual algorithm of proof of traditional work (POW) used by Bitcoin. The main objective of Getwork is to increase the validation speed of the blocks without sacrificing security.

The block and getWork model

In Ethereum, the block model consists of several fields used to build a new block. One of these fields is “hash1”, which is a chain of 8 bytes which represents the first 64 bits of the hatching of the previous block.

Here’s how it works:

  • Blockhash: the hatching of the current block

  • PreviousBlockhash: The hash of the previous block (used to calculate the Hash1)

  • Parenthash ‘: the hash of the block of which this new block is a child (optional)

  • “Maturity”: an integer specifying the number of confirmations that the block received before it can be exploited

The “hash1” field is calculated by haunting the “blockhash”, “previous blockhash” and possibly “Parenthash”. This hash is then used to build a new block.

Calculation of hash1 'in Getwork

Ethereum: In Getwork, how does one calculate the value of Hash1?

To calculate the value of "hash1" in Ethereum, you must know the following:

  • The hash of the previous block ("blockhash")

  • The hashness of the parent block (if supplied)

Here is an example of how to calculate "hash1" using these values:


Const Blockhash = '...'; // Hash of the current block

Const Parentblockhash = '...'; // Optional: hatching of the parent block

Const Privelblockhash = crypto.createhash ('sha256'). Update (Blockhash) .Digest ('Hex');

Const ParentblockhashifProvided = Parentblockhash? crypto.createhash ('sha256'). Update (Parentblockhash). Digest ('hex'): null;

Const has1 = crypto.createhash ('sha256'). Update (previously Blockhash + ParentblockhashifProvid). Digest ('Hex');


In this example,Preverblockhash is the hash of the current block, and ParentblockhashifProvideD is the hash of the parent block (if supplied).

Why calculate hash1?

The calculation of “hash1” can offer several advantages:

* Improved block validation : By knowing the hash of the previous block, you can check that a new block has been properly validated and is not falsified.

* Improved safety : “hash1` helps prevent attacks such as rereading attacks by requiring to calculate several blocks before a new one can be created.


In Getwork, the calculation of “hash1” in Ethereum implies the hash to the hatch of the previous block, of the parent block (if supplied) and finally, of calculation the resulting hash. This process offers several advantages, including better validation of blocks and improved security. Understanding how “hash1” is calculated can help you better appreciate the complexities of Ethereum blockchain.

Keep in mind that, as Getwork is evolving, the design can change and new challenges will arise. It is essential to stay up to date with the latest developments and adapt your understanding accordingly.

I hope this explanation helped you understand how “hash1” works in Getwork! If you have any other questions or concerns, do not hesitate to ask.



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